Kenya Rafting Federation (KRF)

The Largest Campsite in Kenya Accommodating more than 800 People

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Outdoor Activities and high discipline programs

Outdoor activities are the best to bridge up the gap program or semester. Gap programs come out best with our activities which are all outdoor. Gaining life skills, fostering self-exploration and clarity enhanced emotional intelligence building, resilience and confidence is what we anticipate that every student will gain. All these programs come out well when outdoor activities are used. Our outdoor activities are best designed and safe be it whitewater rafting; we work with international rafting federation curriculum and safety standards or kayaking we work also with international canoe federation ICF safety standards, so we have quite a number of activities that our students can choose from archery, rock climbing, bouldering, abselling, via ferrata, nature walks, moonlight walks, zip line, the ducks, all activities are geared towards supporting personal growth of a student who is moving into another life. So our gap programs come out very clear with extreme outdoor activities and they are very safe and insured.