Kenya Rafting Federation (KRF)

The Largest Campsite in Kenya Accommodating more than 800 People

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March 2017

Easter holidays are just about, but the effects of the excitement are there. Many have plans that will work for them and emotions will go high. Depending on where you spent your time, will affect the out come of your planned

Stress free programs They say that to fully relax, you have to let everything fall away!.  How about a free fall vertically on the fast moving waters of the Sagana River? Clinging to a rope inside the river, the instructor lets

White Water RaftingThe perfect place for the adventurous who would like to see their adrenaline rush high when rafting in River Tana which provides grade3- 5 rapids depending with seasons. you can Kayak or plunge in a height of 40

Camping in Kenya Due to its location in Kenya, right by the river, the green landscape and its very own  Rapids waterfalls that roar with might. Rapids Camp remains a perfect place for budget camping, to relax and just spend time